Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's called a what?!

Today I went to the local Farmer’s Market and got some fresh fruit and veggies. A few things I scored were:
~Corn on the Cob
~String Beans

Once I got home I washed up the produce so it’s ready to go for the week. This will save me time later during the week when I’m busier.

Last week I bought a blender and I have been dying to try a “Green Monster”

2 cups Spinach

1 cup berries

1/8 cup Sprouts, They looked healthy so I picked them up today. Never once in my life have tried them before today.

½ c of Vanilla Yogurt
½ of Cherries, I forgot pic of them  Oh well next time.

Everything in the Blender ready to go…

And the Finished Product! I would give it a 3-4 Star rating. I’m not to sure about these. I did add a Splenda packet to try and sweeten it up. I think I will continue to experiment with different combos of things to make Monsters.

Happy Saturday Everyone!!


  1. I wouldn't add the sprouts, personally. Spinach has a pretty mild flavour - I'd just take out the sprouts and add extra spinach

    I also don't add yogurt to my green smoothies - I'm still not sure how I feel about that -- for me, its just fruit and greens.

    oh! and, I love sprouts on sandwiches!

  2. I'm giving you a blog award. Check out my blog for the details :)

  3. Splenda wouldn't be necessary. Normally you can get enough sugar from the fruits, but you had blueberries and strawberries. Both of those tend to have a bitter or rather, tart, edge to them.

    I have a weakness, and that weakness is "banana." I don't eat it outside of smoothies, but in the realm of the frozen drink, banana is king. (And a valid source of potassium and sugar.)

    However, until I read this post, the idea of putting vegetables in my smoothie has never occurred to me. I think this is probably due to my general hatred of all things healthy in anything other than written theory. (I can't even discuss it without drinking a latte first. Therefore negating any opinions I espouse on the subject.)
