Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's called a what?!

Today I went to the local Farmer’s Market and got some fresh fruit and veggies. A few things I scored were:
~Corn on the Cob
~String Beans

Once I got home I washed up the produce so it’s ready to go for the week. This will save me time later during the week when I’m busier.

Last week I bought a blender and I have been dying to try a “Green Monster”

2 cups Spinach

1 cup berries

1/8 cup Sprouts, They looked healthy so I picked them up today. Never once in my life have tried them before today.

½ c of Vanilla Yogurt
½ of Cherries, I forgot pic of them  Oh well next time.

Everything in the Blender ready to go…

And the Finished Product! I would give it a 3-4 Star rating. I’m not to sure about these. I did add a Splenda packet to try and sweeten it up. I think I will continue to experiment with different combos of things to make Monsters.

Happy Saturday Everyone!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week 34 Finding my skinny!!

I was sitting here thinking how long have I've been on my weight loss journey (WLJ). It's been 34 weeks. Boy, this sure can be a struggle. I have lost 41.3 lbs and I still see that "fat" girl in the mirror. I have to learn how to find the "skinny" girl in the mirror. So to help me find that I'm going to take my measurements tonight and post them this weekend. I will continue to take measurements on a monthly basis. I think if I take them any more than that I will get discouraged. I'm also going to post some side by side pictures to help me see the changes going on with my body.

What have I done today to help with finding the skinny girl:

Well here is what I ate:
I had Shredded Wheat for breakfast with milk, an apple for a morning snack, then for lunch I had a Veggie burger with some cheese and Canadian bacon on a potato roll. I was trying to go for a bacon cheese burger but that just didn't work out the way I wanted. I have to invest in some turkey bacon next time I want a "bacon cheese burger". I also had some cucumber salad that I made last night. It was super easy: 2 cucumbers, sliced and peeled. some shredded carrots, balsamic vinegar and some Mrs. Dash and I also had a 100 calorie pack of almonds and then a kiwi for late afternoon snack.

This is me waiting for Debbie

Before dinner I'm going for a run with on of my besties! Ok so my run wasn't really a run it was a walk/jog

On my way home for some Crab!

For dinner we are having some crab legs, rice, and grilled eggplant. I'm quite excited for dinner tonight because I haven't had crab legs in the longest time. The Husband grilled the legs and OMG they were so yummy! I didn't even need butter. I have never tried to eat crab without butter. The rice was some type of Pilaf I got at the grocery store and it was spicy. I'm not sure what is up with that brand but each time we get something of that brand it's spicy. I'm not a big spicy person.

Distance: 2.96 miles, time: 47:47 Pace:16:07
This activity only earned me 3 WW Activity points but that is better than nothing right?!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fashion Tuesday

Hey Blog World!

I wanted to posted something before I head to bed.
Here is where I spend most of my days. My lovely office 

It was 80* here in the Northern Suburbs of Philly. This is what I wore to work.

Tank: New York and Company
Jeans: Express
Accessories: Khol’s
Shoes: Rampage


Monday, May 3, 2010

Where you've been

Don't worry blog world I haven't forgot about you. I have plenty of pics of somethings that have gone on. I will try and get on here more.

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Day Before

This is how I prepare for a race! Massage from one of my Best of Besties!

Holy Race Day!

I was anxious with excitement this morning. I awoke even before the sun came up. I was trying to tell myself go back to sleep you will need this energy later. It didn’t really work. I think I dozed in and out but not back into a deep sleep. The day had finally came! Today was Lehigh Valley Half Marathon. I was running my first 5k.

This is what I had for breakfast about an hour before gun time.

An Arnold’s Sandwich Thin with 2 Tbsp Reduce Fat Peanut Butter.

It was pouring down rain! I worked my butt off to train for this and I never once rain in a down pour. I thought it won’t rain on race day. Boy was I wrong.

I don’t really have pictures of me during the race. I didn’t even run with music. I was afraid I would ruin my iPhone. I was probably about 45 degrees this morning. As I stood in line with on of my best of bestie buddies and another good friend of ours. I jumped around like a little kid. 1 I was trying to warm up and 2 I was bursting with excitement!
Finally 8:10 came. And bang the gun went off. I started out slow I wanted to run with my friend. My girl stayed with me for about 5 mins and then she said “Sue, go ahead, I want you to have a good time” So off I went! I really can’t explain all my thoughts and feelings during this entire time. It was raining so at one point I was thinking this shit sucks! Then the next minute I was so proud of myself to be running with all sorts of different people. I got to the 1 mile mark in 11 minutes. During my training I was running 13:30 minute miles. When I saw 11 minutes I was just about to cry.
At the water/Gatorade station people where cheering you on as you ran past. I grabbed a cup of water and keep going. Let me just tell you it is not easy to run and drink water at the same time.
And because I’m no litter bug I actually felt funny dropping my cup on the street. I actually had to tell myself that is what we do. When I say we I mean us “runners”! Finally I go to the 2 mile mark and just got this feeling. I can’t really explain. I sprinted for a few minutes because I knew I was almost done. My endorphins and adrenaline were pumping. Euforia! That is what a runner’s high is all about!!

36 minutes later

Wrapped in a blanket and drinking water!

My Medal

One of many more to come!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Last Summer, Playing around on my good friend's crutches after his motorcycle accident.

I joined Weight Watchers Sept 2009. I weighed 191.8 lbs. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Look I'm huge!

This pic was taken the same week I joined WW.

I swore to myself I would never let myself get this big ever again.

Good Bye Fat Girl and Hello New Me!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hello World!

Hello Blog World.

This is my very first post!!!

This is Me:

My name is Sue and I'm 27 years old. I named this blog Incredibly Sassy SueBee because well that's me. I'm an Incredible girl. I put my mind to something and I just do it! Sassy well that comes because I'm full of energy. Actually there is 2 different definitions. Rude and Disrespectful which is not me! Or Lively and Spirited and that is me!! SueBee that is my nickname that my best of bestie friends gave me years ago. Ever since then it has just stuck. That's right SueBee just like the honey.

Hmm, what to write about me? I have done some crappy things in my life but that is what makes me who I am today. And really who hasn't done some crappy things at least once in their lifetime.

I married the love of my life March of last year. I have 2 wonderful step children that I love with all my heart. I work at a recruiting firm. I love to read, do scrapbooks, and just hang with my family and friends. My family and friends mean the world to me. My friends and family. They hold me up. I can't do it alone.