Friday, January 11, 2013

Crock of chicken

I have seen on Pinterest many times about putting an entire chicken in the crockpot. I tried it today. It was super easy and no worries about when dinner would be done. Here is a before pic, I covered with rosemary, fresh garlic, and minced onions, I threw a little Jane's crazy salt mix on it too. Here is am after pic. Almost forgot to take it. The Mr started to cut it up and I said wait I need a pic. I also wanted a nice healthy side that I could use as a veggie and carb so I made spaghetti squash. I baked it in the I've for about 50 mins then I scooped it all out and put it in a huge frying pan with some extra virgin olive oil and fresh garlic. Cooked it up a bit and served it with some parmesan cheese sprinkled on it. I forgot a picture of that. We also had stove top because the Mr and baby S love to be honest, I haven't really tracked, measured or cared about what I ate today. Also I am lucky I even got 48oz of water to drink. I didn't exercise either. I also binged on a bunch of hummus with raw veggies. I'm saying what happened because I want to stay accountable for my weight loss journey. I had a bad day, so what, I know I did, I see I did, now I just pick up and move forward. I'm NOT going to let this little slip up turn into a huge set back. I need to remember that if I focus on results it will stress me out because they won't come fast enough, I MUST remember that this is a lifestyle change and CHANGE is the key, to see the results.

Tomorrows plan-
Get up and do a Jillian Michaels workout DVD.
Breakfast-wheat toast with PB and banana, coffee
Lunch-chicken and squash from tonight's dinner and any other leftovers I find in the fridge. I know there is Lima beans <-- yum! And also tabouli salad.
Dinner-girls night out but I do know fish is on the menu.
Also I will be doing my weekly cleaning tomorrow while Mr and baby S are out for most of the day at cabelas for a boys day out.

Do have slip ups? If so how do u get back on track?
What are your weekend plans?

1 comment:

  1. You have the key...don't let a bad day slip into a bad weekend or week or month. Take one day at a time. BTW,the chicken looks like it turned out yummy!
